Thursday, September 29, 2005

Luke and Marla @ Abby's wedding

Luke and Marla @ Abby's wedding
Originally uploaded by lphyder.

First Post

Hi. Welcome to my blog.

My name is Luke Hyder. I'm in my third year in the MDiv program at Fuller Seminary, concentrating in Worship, Theology and the Arts. I am from a lot of places if you go back far enough, but my family has been in Fresno CA for about the last 16 years. I came to Pasadena from Spkane WA where I did my undergrad at Whitworth College, worked as a worship leader at First Presbyterian Church, and met and married my wife, Marla. I am the son and son-in-law of two Presbyterian Pastors and am training to be one myself.

In this class and on this blog I hope to do some meaningful processing of the subject of Cultural Tranformation, especially as it pertains to Contemporary Culture, and specifically how it can be applied to a local church's vision and mission in engaging its immediate community and cultural context(s).
