Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Sabbatical Blessing - "Be Like Trees (Psalm 1)"

Well my Sabbatical has officially begun this week.  It's amazing how much more relaxed and peace-filled I feel already!  Even though we're doing a lot to get ready for our first segment of travel.

Check back here often (or just keep an eye on facebook or twitter to know when I post something new), and there will be reflections of various sorts throughout these 12 weeks.

A significant thread running through this sabbatical will be spiritual journaling through songwriting.

Until I start having experiences that prompt their own reflections and songs, I plan to begin by reading, praying and writing may way through the Psalms.

To kick that off, a couple weeks ago I was meditating on Psalm 1 and wrote this song, "Be Like Trees," as a sabbatical/sabbath blessing.  May we all be like trees planted by streams of water, reaching deep to draw life from the Source, yielding fruit and thriving as a result of delighting in the Lord and meditating on the Word.  And may all that God's grace does in and through you prosper. Blessed are you!

Grace and peace,
luke <><

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